Believe and You Will Achieve: The Filipino dream
“THE PHILIPPINES IS NOW AN ENGLISH SPEAKING NATION; DEAL WITH IT” Is the claim of the society of honor in the Philippines deeply melts my heart because we are already under that of where our country and the people in it think that the key to success is having to speak in English. But I strongly disagree with the authors claim to deal with it. Because I know for a fact that is never to late to fight for a cause that you strongly believe in so long as there are still some people who are willing and envisions our country at the same vision. It is true that job offerings are all in English and also English is one of the qualifying factor as to which one needs in order to get the job, but I strongly believe that our language can also do the same it is just the matter of language prevalence inside learning facilities that we have to change. In other Asian countries like japan and Korea, they have been successfully able to balance out the nationalism to their language and modernization of their country and their method of acquiring this is through incorporating their language in the school systems from the foundation of child’s development which is in grade school. Our country can also make that change and be as successful as our other neighboring countries. It is just the matter of getting the right education to incorporate and plant a seed of nationalism and patriotism amongst the future generations to come.