Filipino, A Language In Need of Love
The Philippines has 120-175 languages and 8 major dialects. We are a multicultural and multilingual country and we must be proud of it. Fili

pino is not just based on one language. It is based on all of the existing languages that we have and other languages. That’s how diverse our language is. That’s how different we are. As said in an article by Andrea Wong, “We are highly adaptable to different people, cultures, and situations that generally make us well-rounded beings.” It’s quite saddening that Filipinos don’t value our language as much as they should. Ever since the American Period, the mindset of most Filipinos changed. Now, we think that the English language is superior than the Filipino language. Not only that, because of the influence of the Spaniards, we think that Tagalog is superior to other languages spoken in our provinces. This is not true. Our national language is based on all of the existing languages. We need to embrace this. We are losing our identity because we are choosing to ignore the fact that we have our own language and it is beautiful. It is unique and it has gotten us through our day to day conversations yet we choose other languages to praise. We need to change this mindset. We need to take a stand. Choose Filipino!